Image by Bhikkhu Samahita on http://what-buddha-said.net |
Elucidate the different implications involved in early Buddhist teachings
on the concept of Nibbana.
Most significantly, the Buddhist
concept of nibbana is a definite
break from earlier and contemporary religious thought which was based around an
eternal heaven as a reward for the soul who had lived an upright life.
What is achieved by reaching nibbana?
The individual sees the world as it
really is - impermanent, unsatisfactory and non-self.
The false notion of an enduring
self is eliminated, as are both suffering (dukkha)
and the causes of suffering (desire, hatred and illusion). In earlier texts, at
least, kamma no longer operates now.
The two extremes of self-mortification and self-indulgence are avoided.
Forms, sensations, perceptions,
mental activities and consciousness are all abandoned.
Who can reach nibbana?
According to the Upanishads, only
the educated elite or Brahman priests could reach eternal bliss. The Buddha,
however, taught that nibbana is a
goal which can be reached by anyone, regardless of status. Additionally, it is
not just for Buddhists but for all who follow the right Path.
When does one reach nibbana?
Again, unlike other religions, the
Buddha taught that, under the right conditions, it can be reached in this present
lifetime. Otherwise it can be realised after death.
How does one realise nibbana?
Nibbana is reached through successfully
following the Noble Eightfold Path, seeing the world as it really is. For this
reason, it represents the highest moral ideal and goal. Since this achievement depends
entirely on individual effort, there is no need to rely on the benevolence or
whims of a distant God who needs to be appeased.
What is nibbana like?
In answer to questions about the
nature of nibbana, the Buddha stated
that it was very difficult to understand. “Profound is this doctrine, recondite
and difficult to comprehend”. We have some ideas about it, but it cannot be
fully appreciated by one still in samsara.
One reason is that no words can describe it, since language is created and used
to express the experiences of our senses and our mind.
Some aspects we know about are that
it is unconditioned, therefore permanent. It is beyond the sphere of logic
where cause and effect, duality and relativity operate. It is also beyond good
and evil, right and wrong, existence and non-existence. Those who reach nibbana in this life remain unaffected
by the phenomenal world, their actions are no longer motivated or coloured by
self-interest, yet they remain conscious of sights and sounds, and sensitive to
pleasure and pain.
In general terms, the experience is
one of tranquillity, with unlimited vision, freedom and attitude. There is
happiness and mental well-being, but no fear or fiery passions. There is
neither attraction nor repulsion, excitement nor worry. Thus it is a
psychological experience rather than a metaphysical one.
What is it not?
Finally, knowing what nibbana is not also helps to understand
it. It is not eternal as there is no eternal soul, but rather it is the annihilation
of the ego-illusion. For the same reason, it is not self-annihilation. Although
not being outside the five aggregates (khandhas),
it is neither attached to nor identified with them. It is not located in a
separate world, nor does it represent union with God. Additionally, it is not
the result of anything – it just is.
(Written by Gregory Quinlivan for a course entitled 'Early Buddhism Basic Doctrines' in 2009 through the International Buddhist College, Thailand.)