Tuesday 7 May 2024

Gaining a Diploma in Buddhism

In April this year I completed the Centre of Excellence Diploma in Buddhism course. Having informally read much both in texts and online, I thought it was time to complete a formal program of study to bring some of the strands together in one place. While the course is not synchronous with a lecturer or tutor, it seems comprehensive and requires regular successful completion of assessment tasks. The diploma's ten modules are: 1. Introduction to Buddhism 2. Origins - the Story of Buddha 3. The Three Jewels 4. The Three Universal Truths 5. The Four Noble Truths 6. The Eightfold Path 7. Meditation, Mindfulness, and Training the Mind/Ego 8. Buddhism - Some Core Beliefs 9. Two Buddhist Figureheads (Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh) 10. Practising Buddhism. I'm pleased to report that I gained a distinction for the course. You can view further details on their website: https://www.centreofexcellence.com/shop/buddhism-diploma-course

Further Buddha images from Bali in 2024