Tuesday 7 May 2024

Gaining a Diploma in Buddhism

In April this year I completed the Centre of Excellence Diploma in Buddhism course. Having informally read much both in texts and online, I thought it was time to complete a formal program of study to bring some of the strands together in one place. While the course is not synchronous with a lecturer or tutor, it seems comprehensive and requires regular successful completion of assessment tasks. The diploma's ten modules are: 1. Introduction to Buddhism 2. Origins - the Story of Buddha 3. The Three Jewels 4. The Three Universal Truths 5. The Four Noble Truths 6. The Eightfold Path 7. Meditation, Mindfulness, and Training the Mind/Ego 8. Buddhism - Some Core Beliefs 9. Two Buddhist Figureheads (Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh) 10. Practising Buddhism. I'm pleased to report that I gained a distinction for the course. You can view further details on their website: https://www.centreofexcellence.com/shop/buddhism-diploma-course

Further Buddha images from Bali in 2024

Monday 28 August 2023

Buddhist Images from Bali trip in 2022

In early July 2022 I enjoyed a relaxing couple of weeks touring Bali. One highlight was the Brahmavihara Arama Buddhist temple which is the biggest on the island. It operates retreats and training in Buddhism, and it has some great views across to the top of Bali and the Bali Sea. It's a little remote but well worth the trip there. I hope you enjoy seeing the following photos, a few of which also include a smaller temple outside of Candikuning.

Monday 7 February 2022

Greg's Buddhist Travels

Photos collected between 2004 and 2012 based on my travels in India, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
The original post was lost due to the closing of Flickr. However, since I saved the photos separately, I am still able to share them with you. I hope they bring you joy.

Saturday 22 January 2022

Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master, Dies at Age 95

It is with both great sorrow and great appreciation for his life, teaching, and example, that I share with you the news about the passing of my teacher, informally known as Thay at his home temple in Vietnam. If you would like to know more about him, I recommend reading this article posted this morning on The Tricycle website. Please take a moment to breathe, to feel peace, and to read about this true Bodhisattva. Here is the link: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/thich-nhat-hanh-dies/

It's Been So Long Since I Posted

Hello friends, If anyone is still looking at my postings, I would like to thank you for your patience, since it's been almost three years in the making! Part of the reason is that almost one year ago that I made the move back home and spent considerable time settling in again. Another is that I needed time to review my own practice of mindfulness, to read more, to meditate, and to build up my confidence in myself. All of that is apart from the usual tasks of moving home. As you will see from my other post, today (the 22nd of January 2022) is also a day marking the passing of my beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh at the age of 95 years. It has been his writings, his example, and his Sangha over the last few years that moved me to finally take the Five Mindfulness Trainings at a formal ceremony in Hong Kong in 2019. Equally, it has been his influence that has sustained me in the years since, and I am sure will continue to do so into the future. I am truly grateful for Thay's teaching and amazing life, and I will treasure it all my days. To all who knew him, I wish you peace and joy in this his continuance day. Blessings, Radiant Sincerity of the Heart.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Becoming a Buddhist - Lotus Pond Temple, Lantau Is. Hong Kong 30th March, 2019

After a few false starts I finally took the plunge and officially became a lay Buddhist this weekend. I flew to Hong Kong on Friday afternoon, stayed overnight at the Lotus Pond temple on Lantau Island, and at 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning the community of monks and nuns took me through a ceremony to become part of the Plum Village Buddhist family. It practises in the Zen tradition of the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. I had been fiddling at the edges for years, looked at different traditions, went on a pilgrimage to northern India, and done some study, reading and meditation, so I thought it was about time to take this step and be part of something positive. It will also give me support as I continue in the practice. I will need it!

Every religion has a ceremony of some sort. The usual thing here is to Take Refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) and to undertake one's best to recite and live according to the Five Mindfulness Trainings (generally known as the Five Precepts).

It was terrific. The brothers and sisters were lovely to me. We enjoyed eating meditation, sitting meditation, singing, and walking meditation together. The ceremony, in which they were all present, went for almost an hour, and at several points I had to "touch the Earth" which means literally touching my forehead to the ground. Later I received a certificate setting out the details of the event and the lineage of my teacher. The Dharma name given to me is "Radiant Sincerity of the Heart".

There were one or two minor challenges in getting there. The plane from Taiwan arrived an hour late and the taxi driver couldn't exactly find the temple, so it took a quick phone call to figure it out. 

Another pleasant surprise was that the Lotus Pond Temple is just a short walk away from the  huge world famous Buddha statue (Tian Tan) on Lantau Island. So walking around the hills and seeing that area was a definite bonus. Although I was unable to take any photos during the ceremony (since nobody was available to do that), I did get some afterwards which I hope you will enjoy. It was an amazing experience!

Plum Village Temple, Lantau Island, HK